A Colouring Story
These are the tales of the brave and foolish Souls that ventured into the treacherous dark Lemurian Waterways aboard the Mysterious Buccaneer Ship The Calabar Felonway as they search for the infamous Dead Man's Chest
le Enchanteur has been delayed as she plays at being a bold bucanneer but is now preparing to land at the cove that is quite close to the House of the Serpents. She and her crew are making their way to the house as we speak.
The first night at sea is possibly one of the worst nights of my life. The wind makes the rigging shriek as if the ship has been possesed by demons. The decks rise and fall in the raging storm as I lie in my hammock, incapacitated by seasickness. I expect to be mocked by the pirates but they are surprisingly sympathetic.
What is le Enchanteur's game? She is up to some mischief! Looking like a vulnerable sailor girl! Le Enchanteur vulnerable? I doubt the fearsome Desdemona would have been fooled by this little act. Those ropes look severed to me! She is up to something and I doubt it is either sweet or innocent.
In the morning when I arrive at the beach it is pouring with rain. I have never seen so much water falling out of the sky. It runs off my face, my hair sticks to my head, my feet are soaked in their shoes. The wind howls, and the waves crash onto the shore bringing flotsam with them, debris of other lives.
le Enchanteur respects the Molloy's and will defer to them in her search for Dead Man's Chest and the illusive key to the chamber within the Cave of the Ancients.
Aargh – a tale is it, the price of this quest? Hehehehehehe. Let me look about me person, and see what I can find.
Le Enchanteur is ready to do battle with the Tygres and anyone else who stands in her way. She is determined to locate Dead Man's Chest and find the key to the Cave of the Ancients.
Belenus showed no fear. He put his cheat sheet away behind his ear, and
he started singing himself, in less a donkey's voice than a man's. The
sound was like a sailor's song, a swashbuckling tune,
round and round in circles it went. With that the wailing slowed and
the ladies disappeared into the shadows, but only for a
moment. Belenus rushed ahead, still crooning his sea song, and snatched a
small chest, carved of oak, and slung it across his back. "Quick!" he said, "Let's
fly!" I stashed the anchor away and jammed on the red shoes, got on his back,
and we flew out of the house, that stayed calm, but only until Belenus' crooning
was out of range. But then we were far above in the sky again, away from the
Victorian house, away from the past, with just what we had been missing. I
had a thousand questions, but they would have to wait until we reached safety...
copyright Monika Roleff 2006.
The call to become a Buccaneer and spend some time on a Pirate Ship has bought me to the shores of the lake where this James Coleman landscape is set. But first I have to find the Dead Man's Chest if I want to clamber on board. Ah! Now I know why my map does not show the House of the Serpents and Blind Springs. le Enchanteur clearly knew that what I would need is a map showing the whereabouts of Dead Man's Chest. Better not tell anyone I have it.