Rushing At The Ship's Bell
kind of feeling of awe, so Belenus and I just
stayed quiet, a relief after our
disagreements. She was serene and looked wise
beyond words. It was as if she knew what we
were thinking, anyway, and knew why we
had come. For a moment Belenus thought
she was leaning forward to give us the key
to the Dead Man's Chest, which was on our
minds, the reason for the journey, but no.
Once we offered her our surrenders, Belenus,
his reliance on purely intellectual knowledge, and
mine, despair at purely intellectual myths,
she smiled graciously. But she did not say a
word, only the glow became feint, and we found
each of us had a sprig of She Oak in new bloom,
red to be exact, in our possession. This would help
us to transform our fixed opinions, and take in new
information, she told us. Belenus put it carefully
behind one of his long ears, so he wouldn't forget,
like a pencil. I put mine safely in my bag, careful
that it shouldn't spoil, and thought about it, as
the image of the Bog Queen lingered in my mind.
The track back was sandy and meandered up to
the shore where the Calabar was waiting. But we
heard the bell, again, which had been clanging
even while we were in the cave. We were among
the last travellers hurrying back to the boat, and
were greeted with the curious news that the
Captain had mysteriously vanished...

Lovely story. And the photograph of a path, my favorite kind of study.
Just stunning Monika. Clearly you were in the Cave of the Ancients and came back with treasure a plenty.
So pleased -- and yet then so clueless when our new beliefs were tested - no captain! We had to throw out the rule book. Some quick thinking needed and the hatching of a plan or how to get to the Abbey...
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