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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Neptune's Emissary

Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)

I have been feeling a little down in the dumps this week and today particularly so. But, it was a hot and beautiful day so I decided to go down to the ocean, to an area that I've been wanting to photograph. I literally came around a corner and found this pelican sitting on a railing. I kept waiting for it to take flight but it let me approach. When I got about five feet away, I became fearful (these birds are BIG) so I stopped.

It was almost as if this magnificent bird had a message for me, but I don't know what. Look at that expression! Does anyone understand Pelicanese? Anyway, I felt very much encouraged after the encounter.

Image: Lori Gloyd (c) 2006


At 6:58 AM, Blogger Vi Jones said...

I don't understand them, but I have in the past, on the coast of Northern California and Oregon, watched Brown Pelicans by the hour.
They are fascinating and seem to command one's attention. I can't imagine being able to get within five feet of one. My thought is that he connected with you ... thinks he is your totem ... stranger things have happened.


At 9:00 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Vi is probably right!

At 7:44 PM, Blogger The Gate Keeper said...

Does anyone know the "mythology" of pelicans? Do they have any significance? They certainly are intriguing to watch. When I was a kid, they were almost extinct due to DDT poisoning. Now they are back and doing very well. I love watching them fly in formation.

At 11:30 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Do a search on the net. From memory, they are very numinous, so just check it out and see where it leads!

At 5:30 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

This brown pelican is no doubt conversing with you about the path of creative freedom that you have chosen and is cautioning you that the bonds of work will feel tighter now. But you will sort all this out.


At 8:55 AM, Blogger Verna LaBounty said...

I remember the brown pelicans from John Grisham's pelican brief. In my part of the US we have white pelicans which are large fascinating birds.

At 2:47 AM, Blogger Gwen M. Myers said...

If I'm not mistaken, as far as totemic meanings, is a symbol of adaptation and acceptance. It is symbolising someone able to 'live' in two worlds. In this case it symbolises the intellect (air) and the spirit (water).

As far as pelicanese goes, he sure looks like her is relieved anf glad that you were there. A sort of 'I'm so glad you finally got here!! I was beginning to worry that you might not make it!!' Look to his eyes and pose.

Can't you just see him wearing a pair of gold pince-nez, a beige corduroy jacket, patched with light brown suede patches on the elbows, and brilliant white spats on his feet?

It puts me in mind of Ogden Nash's "Parents Keep Out":
'Behold the wondrous Pelican,
His beak can hold more than his belly can."


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