Image Hosting by These are the tales of the brave and foolish Souls that ventured into the treacherous dark Lemurian Waterways aboard the Mysterious Buccaneer Ship The Calabar Felonway as they search for the infamous Dead Man's Chest

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A New Adventure

Lesson #1: Never dive off the back of a ship in your underwear.

Lesson #2: Never dive off the back of a ship that is about ready to depart.

As I splashed around the water off the stern of the ship, savoring my new found freedom, I did not hear the uproar as word spread that the Captain had abandoned ship. Only when I saw the sail unfurl and catch the wind, did I realize something was amiss. I began shouting and waving at the crewmen on deck. They shouted back that they had their orders and could not stop the ship now. Instead, Esteban pulled out his saber and slashed the bindings of one of the small skiffs. It fell to the water and I scrambled aboard. Carlos, bless his heart, had run to my cabin and hastily gathered my meager belongings. He tossed to me my bag, my cloak, and one of the Captain’s dress gowns.

“Head towards the Abbey— down river, then due south for 40 leagues to the mouth of the Great River. Then up stream to the headwaters! See you there!”

I had wanted an adventure….. now I had it.

Lori Gloyd © June 20, 2006


At 8:31 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Enchanting! What a fabulous exit and entrance Lori. So cool!

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Believer said...

Thank goodness you had friends among the crew! See you soon in the Abbey!

At 3:06 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

What an adventure! What is going to happen next...wishing you safe navigating to the Abbey! LOL!

At 5:08 AM, Blogger The Gate Keeper said...

In real life I'd be in cotton briefs, not lace underwear and that dressing gown might not be all that small....

But, hey, but we're in a fastasy world, right?


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