Image Hosting by These are the tales of the brave and foolish Souls that ventured into the treacherous dark Lemurian Waterways aboard the Mysterious Buccaneer Ship The Calabar Felonway as they search for the infamous Dead Man's Chest

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Shape Shifting Molloy's

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le Enchanteur respects the Molloy's and will defer to them in her search for Dead Man's Chest and the illusive key to the chamber within the Cave of the Ancients.


At 6:25 AM, Blogger Anita Marie Moscoso said...

THESE BELONG ON A MOVIE POSTER! I love them so much I'm going to run some high-grade copies off.

Thank you for doing this and now shall we set sail for the Cave of The Ancients?

I wonder what the Crew of the Calabar will find there???Stay Tuned!

Anita Marie

At 6:33 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

I was going to be modest but then I remembered I am a bold and daring buccaneer and they are never modest me hearties.

I won't make you walk the plank this time Anita Marie and I am ready to set sail on a new adventure.

The only thing is we need to stop at the cove near the House of the Serpents and try to get more crew members. I suspect they will not be able to resist if I mention JD etc.

At 6:39 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

I agree! What a blast and a half! Heather, you have outdone yourself yet again with these action pics. Wow! A huge Wow!

At 6:46 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

They are a bit amazing Monika. It is so cool being a bold and brave Buccaneer who is right out there.

At 6:57 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Bold is good! Yee ha!

At 2:49 AM, Blogger Gail Kavanagh said...

Great pics! These babes leap right off the screen.

At 3:00 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

I had a lot of fun doing them Gail and another is about to appear.


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