The Bog Queen

The Cyclopes were almost like human beings but of a gigantic size and with only one eye in the middle of their heads. Essentially there were three of them: Brontes (thunderer), Steropes (Lightener), and Arges (Bright).
The Bog People are descendants of the Cyclopes and like the Gorgons have not had the best of PR. People fear these people because with their third eye they not only have heightened powers of intuition but they communicate using telepathy
le Enchanteur has been having lessons with the Bog Queen.
The land of the Bog People abounds in myth. It is the view of the Bog Queen that all publicity is good publicity. Who amongst our crew will be brave enough to venture out in the long boat to learn more about the ways of this ancient race who, no doubt know the whereabouts of the Cave of the Ancients.
"Who amongst our crew will be brave enough to venture out in the long boat to learn more about the ways of this ancient race"
Um, Heather, you go first!
Lori (Shaking in her boots)
This info is amazing. More More..
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