Heart Of The Gravamina
I'm sort of cheating here, I wrote this story last year and I've tweaked it a bit because the character Azi has appeared in the Land of Standing Stones and I thought some of you might be curious about where I got the idea for the Calabar.
In another "life" she was called the Gravamina and if you're wondering why you never feel alone on the Calabar Felonway, why it is she knows where all the 'dark places are' this may answer your questions.

Gravamina: The part of a charge or an accusation that weighs most substantially against the accused.
Starving and near madness I am at the end of my life I’m sailing to the End of The World on a ship called Gravamina, and she’s perfect for this Journey because she knows Death.
She is herself as dead as the Black Waters I sail across, as dead as the Crew that still haunt her decks and tend to her needs. She is as Dead as the Corpses that lie in the Catacombs I stole her compass from a week ago.
“ Finding the Gravamina won’t be as hard for you as it is for others. You’ll need the Heart of The Gravamina to find the Caravanserai,” the Hanged Man’s Skull whispered to me from his shelf in my library. “ But tell me, why do you want to join the Caravanserai?”
I walked to the shelf and turned the sectioned skull towards me and looked into his empty eyes and said, “ Because I’m tired of you, I’m tired of this house and I’m very tired of pretending to be something I’m not.”
“ You trail Death behind as if it were a train on a woman’s gown Azi Dahaka. When the Caravanserai become wise to you…they’ll destroy you and then you’ll join me here on this shelf and we’ll have nothing for company except each other’s Sins.
I took the Hanged Man’s Skull from the shelf and wrapped it carefully in linen decorated with a language no living person has ever spoken. “ You wish,” I told it. Then with the Skull, and nothing else in my possession I went into the world to find the Heart of The Gravamina.
The Hanged Man’s Skull told me on our long journey to the Catacombs about the Heart of The Gravamina and why it is entombed and the rest of the Gravamina rots in a Grotto below the City.
Then Hanged Man started his story not with " once upon a time" He Started his story with "the Heart of The Gravamina doesn’t beat like a drum.
The Heart of the Gravamina screams."
“All Ships are alive, you know that Azi Dahaka and the Gravamina was alive too…maybe more so then any of her Sisters
Once long ago something dark and wicked boarded The Gravamina and killed her crew.
Now, it was assumed it was the Plague, but of course it wasn’t…it was a Demon and it drained the blood and life from every living thing on board the Gravamina and with no crew the Gravamina drifted and dreamed.
And then she went mad.
Like most Insane things the Gravamina was very good at pretending to be normal and after she was repaired and sold and even re-named she sailed and reacted to her world, as any Ship should
But then she started killing things.
She took the lives of her crew, the fish that swam around her as she sailed the Seas and when she was bored she made the food and water and wine go bad that had been stored below her decks.
Then one day a young sailor whose mother was a Witch and whose father was a Demon from the Mountains boarded the Gravamina and she tried to kill him to…for sport.
But he knew what to do and he tore her Compass from her chest and he took it to the Catacombs and he buried it.
He buried it alive.
So the Heart of the Gravamina Screams in anger and rage and the rest of her dreams and rots and then one day a woman named Azi Dahaka went down into those tombs and brought it back out.
Azi Dahaka put the Compass back into her chest and the Gravamina’ s Sails captured a long dead gust of wind and her Crew came from the darkness and now they are all sailing to a port where this is dancing and music and art and poetry.
And Souls.
Lots of them.
And Azi Dahaka is very, very hungry.”

{{{{APPLAUSE}}}}} THAT is Anita Marie, folks, give her another round of applause.
YOU are truly a gifted writer.
Ahoy there!! It's One-Eyed Red I be, one o' the finest Ships Cook to ever sail the seas of any Pirate World!
As for Anita marie...
T'go wth th' applause, I send her some o' my famed honeyed rum, perfect for a rainy night
Aye, I hear the Heart screamin' m'self of a becalmed sea and a moonless night.
"Dead men Tell No Tales" It ain't always so, let me tell ye. The tales they tell me...
Pass me the rum and turn up the lanterns lads!
This is a brilliant telling of the tale, in the way you do it best!
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