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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Pirate Potentate

I’m fixin’ to head on over to the Cove later today and I thought before I go I’d prepare myself for what I may encounter. I had thought I would row out in preparation for claiming a cabin in the morrow. But hearing that el Enchanteur and Gorgon are overly fractious makes me wonder what the heck is going on. And I best make sure I disguise myself 'cause who knows what’s got them both in a dither?

I’ve put a lot of thought to this and I just wonder if they’ve met up with some unruly characters along the way? I hear tell that perhaps Sir Henry Morgan, the Governor of Jamaica and wealthy privateer to King George III may be wandering around putting the mojo on friendly folk.

Or perhaps it might be Long John Silver, the old rogue pirate. Tales tell that he’d been marooned for somewhere around twenty-five years before being rescued. Now that would make anyone ornery.

Or maybe it’s Scarlet Red that’s roamin’ around causing havoc. You remember him, the swashbuckling dandy of a pirate and Capt. Kidd’s right hand man. He’s a fearless fighter who wears blood red shirts for combat. And speaking of Capt. Kidd, he’s another rich and powerful pirate warlord. One never knows if something’s got his knickers in knot.

Then there is Blind Pew, the sinister old smuggler who lost his sight in a gunpowder blast. That would make you want to take it out on strangers too, don’t ya think? He’s since taken in by Widow, working as a ‘handyman’ and message deliverer.

Then there’s Anne Bonny, colorful pirate of the feminine persuasion. Who knows where she might show up. If you remember, she’s the daughter of Blackbeard who captains her own ship. Talk about an independent woman.

It could be any of these things or none at all. I will say this though: reputable sources have intimated that certain parts of the continent are in a state of turmoil. Allegiances are absolved, and fragile truces between rival pirate warlords are on the verge of collapse. I’m told huge consequences which will be felt far and wide are causing the Pirate Council Alliance to hang in the balance. And to make matters worse, existing loyalties are strained and new rivalries may emerge.

Let’s just hope that el Enchanteur and Gorgon are safe and when we finally all meet up on Sunday that things are in good order. Let’s especially hope that they are both in a good mood. And as far as my disguise, I think I'll go as Tia Maria, you know her, she's the serving wench at the Jolly Roger Inn. Who can resist that, aye matey?

gret ©


At 2:57 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Even if they calm I suspect their will be adventures on the high seas with these sort of folk lurking around, just waiting for a crew to come along to remind them of the old days.


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